I am a strong voice for our area, standing up for you. If I can help in any way with individual problems you only have to pick up the phone or send me an email to get a response. I attend our Councillor Surgeries at The Core Library on the first Saturday of the month.
I will continue to lobby to ensure that the people of Solihull are not deprived of their Police Station. The retention of the Police Station must have operational Officers, being deployed from the station. I will campaign to ensure that Solihull has its fair share of Police Officers.
I've campaigned with residents and attended the planning committee over applications at St Alphege Rectory and the 5G Mast in Hillfield. Both of these were unanimously defeated.
Solihull Minor injuries Unit opened in June following an 11,000 strong petition. The petition clearly demonstrated the strength of feeling in our community about the return of this important health facility, together with the six permanent operating theatres that are also planned.